There are the changes that make us feel that we are developing as a nation and fill us with a sense of Pride. I too had the same feeling when I used ‘Clean my Coach’ service of Indian Railways during my recently journey from Ranchi to Bangalore.
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The whole initiative of cleanmycoach is very simple, automated, trackable and service is really prompt. I had initially thought that this too would be some gimmick like many announcements but I was really awestruck by the whole process and service delivered by our Railways. Within 1 hour, Indian Railways cleaning staff turned up and cleaned up the whole coach and closed the request by taking code from me.

I was travelling from Ranchi to Bangalore (Coach: S6, Berth: 52) on 13th March 2016 through 18637 – Hatia to Bangalore Cantt Express. In morning when I got up, I saw that someone had eaten peanuts (Moongfali) and had thrown covers (Chilka) all over the floor making it quite dirty. I found 3 cleaners sleeping on the spare seat near toilet in our coach only but when I requested them to clean up, they denied telling that it was not their responsibility. I also showed them a poster on the wall on which it was clearly written that passengers could request coach clean up service any time from blue dress employees but still they denied adamantly and went to sleep peacefully.
Idea: Use Cleanmycoach App
Immediately, I recollected the recent budget announcement that passengers could request coach clean up service through an app and downloaded the app. I installed the app and put my request. It asked only for my PNR number and Phone number and within 30 seconds, my request was through. This was my first moment of surprise. Immediately after putting my details, App provided me details of onboard staff and a feedback code without which my request would not be closed by the staff. I was really impressed by seeing this close-looped and full proof system.

At the same time, I got step by step update on my mobile phone right from putting my request to the point of closing my request. I got a message to provide feedback about the service (which I certainly obliged) and also to visit the facebook page of cleanmycoach initiative.

As you could see from the timings of SMS in above picture, Onboard staff came searching for me on the very next station and immediately heeded to my request getting the full coach cleaned up without delay. Post cleaning up, he requested the feedback code and messaged it to some number (from his simple not so smart phone) to close the request. Within 1 hour, my request was completed by Indian Railways with step by step update to me and the whole coach was cleaned up by the team.

My conversation with Dubey ji
I would like to put my conversation with Dubey ji who was sitting beside me. Seeing me interacting with the staff, he asked me about the whole situation –
Dubey ji: आप किसी बड़े अफ़सर को कंप्लेन किए थे क्या? (Did you complain to some senior official?)
Me: अरे नहीं सर, मैने ऑनलाइन रिक्वेस्ट डाली थी. गवर्नमेंट ने नया app लॉंच किया है – cleanmycoach. बस अपना PNR नंबर और फोन नंबर डाला और इन लोगों को रिक्वेस्ट चला गया. (No Sir, I raised an online request through ‘cleanmycoach’ – newly launched app by government. I just put my PNR and phone number and request went to Cleaning staff.)
Dubey ji: बहुत सही. यह सब देख कर ट्रेन अपना सा लगता है. हमें ही गंदा नहीं करना चाहिए. (Too good. This makes us feel as if this train belongs to us. We should only take responsibility not to throw garbage.)
I just smiled and looked at Dubey ji 🙂
‘Cleanmycoach’ App download
- Download the app here: Link to download
- Like the initiative on Facebook: Do like the initiative on their Facebook Page
- You can also avail the service through an SMS: SMS Clean<space>PNR Number to 58888